The Sure Thing – Short-Term Infatuation

I just finished watching one of my favorite Christmas movies: The Sure Thing. Of course, most people don’t consider it a Christmas movie, since it comes wrapped like a typical ‘80’s teenage skinflick.

In fact, the main character, “Gib”, has only one thing on his mind, as he tries to hook up with girls at his new college. He keeps striking out, and his attempts to trick a classmate, Alison, with his clever pick-up lines, only drives her away. He apologizes and restores their tenuous friendship, until he submits his English paper for his professor to read aloud, realizing too late that he has submitted his roommate’s pornographic essay by mistake. Hearing it, Alison decides she was right the first time: Gib is a manipulating sleazeball.

When Gib’s high school buddy, Lance, sets him up to score with a gorgeous girl, it seems like his dreams have finally come true. Lance promises him that this girl is a “sure thing.” All Gib has to do is travel from New England to California for Christmas break before the girl leaves to go overseas.

Unfortunately, he catches a ride with a college couple who are also driving Alison to California. Which promises for the most awkward trip imaginable. Gib tries to get along, cracking jokes and having beer and cheeseballs for breakfast, but straightlaced Alison can barely stand him. Especially when his antics cause their drivers to abandon them both at the side of the road.

But when Alison hitches a ride from a shady man who tries to molest her, Gib intervenes, acting like a psychopath to scare the man off. Alison then realizes that Gib actually cares about others besides himself. And soon—though neither of them want to admit it—they begin to fall in love.

Until Alison learns about “the sure thing” that Gib is traveling to meet. Proving to her that he really only cares about himself.

Gib decides she might be right. He can’t start a relationship with Alison, since she’s already got a boyfriend. Perhaps casual sex is the best he can get.

But even if he can’t be with her, his feelings for Alison have changed how he views women. He knows he could easily sleep with his fantasy girl, the sure thing. But he also realizes that, like Alison, she is a real person. And so is he. When the girl prepares to give herself to him by asking if he loves her, he can’t bring himself to lie to her. He tells her “no.”

Which leads him back to Alison, who broke up with her boyfriend after admitting to herself that she loves Gib.

Having a real relationship requires putting up with another person’s annoying habits and idiosyncrasies. It also requires listening to that person and considering their feelings. Which sometimes means we have to apologize for hurting them.

Infatuation is easy and enticing. It doesn’t demand anything from us. But it gives little in return.

Real love takes work, patience, compassion, humility, and kindness. It’s hard, ongoing work. But the more we work and invest in a relationship, the more it grows, and the more we grow to love that person. A sure thing can make all of our dreams come true for one night, but real love lasts a lifetime.

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